1 Is my website responsive and completely mobile and tablet compatible?
Having a clean, well-designed mobile site is absolutely vital given more than half of search traffic comes from mobile devices.
2 Is my firm’s contact information prominently displayed in the header and footer of each page?
You want people to contact you so a good website figures out elegant ways on each page to make it really easy for people see how they can do this.
3 Do I have professional, high definition, well-lit headshot photos?
Don’t put an image on your site that isn’t high resolution and hasn’t been properly formatted and edited for your website.
4 Is all the HTML on my site properly enriched with meta-data so Google fully understands my site content?
Don’t put an image on your site that isn’t high resolution and hasn’t been properly formatted and edited for your website.
5 Do I have prominent call-to-action invitations and contact forms for site visitors?
Optimally contact forms should be above the fold (or within the top 50% of your website)