People in your zip code are searching for representation right now. Without an ongoing SEO effort, these people will find and retain your competitors.

Having a website that instills trust is important. Having an SEO plan that gets qualified leads to your door is vital.

Organic Search

We will boost relevant traffic to your company’s website by employing the language of your audience.

On-Page SEO

We work to get your company prioritized in search results by formatting your site to the preference of major search engines.

Link Building

To increase your visibility on popular search engines, we will develop a targeted exposure of your business on important and highly trusted domains.

How Do People Find Firms in 2018?

Google is constantly tweaking its method of ranking results as internet consumers continue to become more mobile-first.


of clicks originate from the top 5 results on page 1 of search results


of site traffic comes from mobile user & these visitors are looking to take action 70% of the time


of firms using social media for one year or longer have improved search engine rankings


of Google searchers contact a company listed within the top 10 results

Why Optimize for Search Engines?

Search engines have become the most efficient way in history for consumers to find products and services. There effectiveness at aligning consumers with providers is the reason why there are 40,000 search queries every second on average — translating to over 3.5 billion searches per day. The goal with search engine optimization is to convince search engines that they should send these searchers to you instead of your competitors. Because most consumers rarely stray beyond the first 10 results for a search, implementing an ongoing, systematic strategy to place your company on this first page of results has become invaluable to businesses in competitive spaces.

SEO is this systematic, ongoing strategy to boost a company’s position in organic (unpaid) search results. It’s systematic because search engine optimizers understand why search engines prioritize some websites over others and use this information to improve the value of a client’s websites to get Google to elevate it over others. 

SEO is also ongoing because the formula (or algorithm) Google uses for prioritization is constantly “evolving” as technology continues to change. That said, because a majority of consumers still look for the organic results over the paid results a successful SEO effort is the highest ROI and longest-lasting strategy for qualified lead generation.

How do we get results?

Successful SEO is multi-faceted. The primary and most-effective, time-tested methods we employ boil down to what we call “content and connectedness.” This is meant to mean that Google’s primary ranking calculation is based on actual words on your website (content) and the number of other sources on the internet that are linking to these words (connectedness).

Our strategy starts with a full competitive analysis where we look at competitive firms in your zip code and analyze these companies and their current “content and connectedness.” It’s easy for us to identify the firms that have created the most powerful, successful lead generation funnels and we hone in on them: What is the “content and connectedness” driving these leads? Who is linking to them? What content on their site is most popular with searchers looking for help? Once we map this out we start with the work of matching these levels. More specifically: This means creating new content for your website containing more of the keywords present on your competitors sites and making sure your site is linked to by all these sites. And then after progress is made there we find opportunities for ways to surpass your competitors in “connectedness.”

Of course, Google ranks sites based on over 130 characteristics and we monitor all of these and look for opportunities on an ongoing basis. Over the past five years Google has begun to elevate sites in results with active SSL (security) certificates and well-constructed mobile sites and, conversely, demote sites without these elements. These are just two of the additional signals but this is why we build out all of our sites with this functionality as a standard.

The power of our link-building and content improvement and augmentation is that it will be a long-lasting lead generation funnel for your firm.